Saturday, February 24, 2007

Colchester Half Marathon

Today I walked my sweet doggie at 7am and the temp was 18 and the wind was whipping. I went back in and crawled into bed with my husband and said, "oh my fu@*ing goodness, what the he!! am I thinking running a fu#&ing half marathon today." I watched the weather just hoping the meterologist would say that by 10am the winds would calm and it would be a balmy 40'.


Well I got to the race and my stepdad convinced me we could do this and we went out for a mile warm up. I instantly felt better about the whole idea. I warmed rather quickly. I had a great race. Every mile came so quickly it was great. At mile 6, a huge deer darted out of the woods and scared the heck out of me, but it was cool too. Then at mile 11, we have to finish going up a long, long did I mention long hill. The last two miles were in the wind too. They really really really sucked. But I got it done and finished six minutes faster than last year. Let me stress this is no candy-pants half marathon, it is very HILLY and with the wind today, it was killer. But now that it is over, I feel GREAT!

A weird thing that happened was after the race, I bought a large decaf and bagel to refuel and warm up. I continued to rehydrate myself and I just now peed. I went four hours drinking mucho water and only now just peed. Wow. I pee often, so this is weirding me out.

Sorry no race pics, my camera battery was not available.


Triteacher said...

Woah, you are a tough cookie! Way to get out there and do it. My husband ran on the road (open fields and WIND) while the doggy and I opted to ski in the forest.

Keep drinking!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the improvement from last year. The pictures of the snow below look wonderful as well.

Faithful Soles said...

Great job and way to tough it out. I am in Texas and would love to run a race in the snow someday. I did run a marathon in Utah in the mountains where there was snow, but none on the roads. My 14 year old son just ran his second half-marathon in Austin last weekend, and he is hooked.

If you get a chance, please visit my running web site, Faithful Soles. I have a categorized and searchable Running Blog Database on there and would appreciate it if you would link your blog to it.

Wes said...

Way to PR on a trying day!

Jank said...

Wow, I completely forgot about Colchester again. What kind of fool runs a half marathon in February in Connecticut... wait...

Heh, it's only jealousy - congrats!