Saturday, January 13, 2007

Lazy week

I love blogging because I could go back and research when I was last sick. I was sick in the beginning of November for two weeks. On Thursday, during a high school freshman orientation (YIKES, I am that old to have a son going into high school!!!!), I felt a sore throat coming on so I pumped myself with tea and vitamin C. Got worse on Friday. Got my period on Sat. Needless to say, I am bummed. I hope to take a hike or walk today since it is 50' and it is going to be like 5' this week coming up. I got to get out there while I can, but my house is a disgusting mess and I have three basketball games to watch today.

I guess it is a hazard of caring for thirty 3 and 4 year olds all day long that I would get sick every two months. Luckily it is just a little cold and period cramps. I'll be better soon!


Wes said...

Ahhh! Head Mistress of the Germ Factory! LOL. Get better soon and enjoy that mild weather.

Triteacher said...

Ha! That is another one of the perks of blogging, for sure!

Trisaratops said...

Ugh! I got sick this week, too~I blame my germy students. :)

Chad said...

I hate germs, if you find a way to lose yours, let me know.