Friday, July 21, 2006

Car-less and bored

This week my two older sons' visited their grandma in NC, beaching and surfing all day. This was particularly frustrating because my littlest son and I were without a car and stranded at home for four out of the five days this week. Just like when you lose electricity, being car-less is very debilitating. You just mope around not being able to do anything worthwhile. It is so weird. You would think I would get so much stuff done around my house, but no all I do is call all my friends I can't go see.

Tomorrow we have our group run always a highlight of running week. I am reading "My Friend, Leonard" by James Frey, in which he hardly uses commas, so if I forget to punctuate appropriately, please forgive me. Tonight I have an Athena's party, hopefully I make some good money. Tell you all about it tomorrow!


Jon (was) in Michigan said...

That's like when the computers would go down at work. Even though 90% of what we did was with parts and engineering and stuff, people just wandered around aimlessly not knowing what to do. Crazy.

Legs and Wings said...

I agree with both Susie & Jon. My wife uses our minivan to get where she needs to be but I am car-less. The transmission went so instead of fixing it/paying for it, I decided to bike to work. It's frustrating some of the time. Take care.

SRR said...

Ahhh...the joys of not having a car. But thank God for the phone!