Monday, March 03, 2008

Gotta love sick days

I am home with three sick boys, well actually one sick boy and two sorta sick boys that just wanted to stay home from school. I have big plans of cleaning my room and making some progress on my report cards. We'll see how much I get done. I am completely overwhelmed with getting my house ready to sell and keeping it clean. I'll try to catch up on reading some blogs today too. I miss reading what adventures you all are having. I am "training" for the Nipmuck Trail Marathon, but I have no idea what the heck I am supposed to be doing to train for it. Maybe I'll research some training schedules today too. Or maybe I'll just listen to crazy people sing on YouTube all day...


Unknown said...

Good luck with the report cards and I hope the sick boys are healed as well. Just run more for the marathon and you'll be fine ;)

Marie-Yvonne said...

Hello there,
Seems like we share a love of dead blogs! Came across your comment on 'Chocolate Runners Blog' You might like to check out my dedicated to 'dead blogs' page "BLOGS THAT DIED TOO YOUNG"

Legs and Wings said...

Funny about YouTube...I was a YouTube party last night. Hey, it was fun.

Hope you're well. Spring is coming eh?