Thursday, February 22, 2007

Winter Fun

Every Lenten season I start anew!! I ban sugary treats and chocolate decadence from my belly for only the Lenten season mind you! But it is the cleansing my body really needs. I always feel like crap around this time of year, I feel bad about my skin, my butt, my overall mood is usually kinda sucky. This winter hasn't been horrible so my winter blues have only been aquamarine not midnight blue! Yesterday was my first day without inhaling, I mean ingesting, at least my daily pound of chocolate and I could tell I really needed to do this, because I had a strange calmness about it. Like, girl, you know what you have to do, just do it.


Wes said...

I kind of got the feeling you fixated on the butt a bit :-) I think that's good during winter. It helps on those rides down the snow covered hills! LOL. Warm weather approaches. Time to get'er done.

Trisaratops said...

Great pics!

I totally don't know if I could give up chocolate at the moment. Rock on, chica!

Triteacher said...

OK, that's all fine and good. But I'm going to ask the obvious question -- for what are you going to run now?

iJuls said...

I guess the first time you gave up chocolate might have been hard (like a first marathon), but I bet once you've done it once, it isn't as hard. Right?

I like your pictures too.